Oct 7, 2012

Hidden Treasures

Hi Everyone!

Happy Sunday.  I hope you all have had a restful weekend.  Mine has been really low key, which is exactly how I'd hoped it would be.

Ya'll Im so excited!  Yesterday our neighborhood put on a community rummage sale so my daughter and I went treasure hunting.  I went there with $20 in my pocket and declared I wouldn't spend a penny more.  Not looking for anything in particular, I headed in just to see what we could find. 

I think we hit the jackpot! Take a look at the awesome things we scored:

Im seriously in love.  The bar cart was a total surprise since it wasnt even on sale. The seller was using it to display some of the items she was selling.  I kindly asked if she would be willing to sell the cart and she said yes.   Lesson of the day: it never hurts to ask. 
Globe-$2.50  Honestly, can one really have too many globes?  IDK, but this is my first one!
Vase-$10.00  Im so excited about this piece.  The seller said it belonged to her grandmother. She herself was in her late 50's/early 60's I'd guess.  I promised her I would cherish it forever.  Thus, it begins my chinoiserie vase collection. I had just told sweet Naomi the night before that I wanted to collect them.  Bada boom.  This little lovely came along the next day.
Bar Cart- $7.50 No you're eyes are not deceiving you!  It really only cost seven dollars and fifty cents! Ive got plans for this baby!

Total: $20 exactly.  I just love it when things work out. 

So have you recently found an addition to your collection?  Scored anything awesome lately?  Id love to hear about it.  Until next time.......



  1. Wow, awesome scores!! The bar cart looks amazing against your navy walls, and I LOVE. Your blue and wife pottery!

  2. Meant to write blue and white pottery! Hee!

  3. Thanks Camille! I'm still trying to figure out exactly how I want to refinish the cart. Part of me wants to spray it a fun vibrate color...maybe even neon. The other part o me wants to try to rub n buff it. I've never used it before a s have been looking a project to give it a try. Decision, decision.....what would you do? Any suggestions?


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