Sep 30, 2012

Something New

Hi Everyone!

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

I have a love/hate relationship with Sundays. I love the easy going and laid back feel of them.  I hate that its the beginning of the week.  Which means tomorrow is Monday.  Which means the beginning of the work week.   Today, however,  I was channeling much more love than hate.

Today I tried something new.  Today I baked a cake. From scratch. Today I let go of my fears and did it.  Today I won a battle in the war against my insecurities.  Today I did this...

Cream cheese pound cake.  It was delicious.  Reminded me of my great grandmother who baked the most phenominal cakes.  I got the recipe from here. 
So have you overcome a fear and tried something new recently?  Do tell.  Until next time....


  1. Looks delish! I love baking, I had a fear of baking until a few years ago and I just decided I was going to bake until I could do it without hesitation. Keep it up!

  2. I was the same way! I was afraid to bake, and thought I'd fail at it. That's all changed and now I love backing from scratch its that satisfaction of knowing all your ingredients are fresh and saying I made this! Congrats your cake looks so good!

    1. Hi there! Thank you so much! Funny thing is I just baked your lemon strawberry bread last night! I brought it in to work to share and it was a huge hit! How coincidental is that? As I was baking it I actually thought to myself how I wish I could bring you some. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Hope you are doing well.

  3. Blessings and congrats on the cake and conconquering the insecurities, just know that being perfectly imperfect is a good thing.

    stay blessed and thanks for the recipe.

  4. Can you share the recipe?! I'm a cake addict and this looks exactly like the ones that I make -- however, -bows head- I use a boxed cake. Lol.

    Looks tasty!


    1. Hi Kimberly!

      This is where I got the recipe for the pound cake. I followed her recipe exactly as she has it. I hope you give it a try. It really is wonderful. Thanks so much for stopping by.


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