Mar 11, 2014

Lust List: Great Reads

Hi Everyone!

I've been thinking a lot lately about my design library, or should I say, lack thereof.  With the exception of my monthly shelter magazines, and books from school, I've got like... one. The shame. I've had a couple saved in my Amazon shopping cart for months now and I'm thinking I need to get on that. Here are a few I'm hoping to add to my collection:


What are your fav design reads? Until next time.....



  1. I was just thinking about this the other day and have done the same thing on Amazon! I love pretty design books and they're so good for staging too!

  2. 25 Beautiful Homes Magazine, most definitely

  3. Great selection. I need to add a couple more to my collection too.

  4. these all look great..That Remix one has peaked my interest. I might need to go holla at

  5. Great resource! Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. I love a good coffee table book, especially when it is design related ;) xo Kristin


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