Mar 6, 2014


Hi Everyone!

Oh boy, what a week! Its been a busy one.  I literally looked up and realized its Thursday and I hadn't posted at all this week yet.  The shame. 

So I'm popping in today to say....Guess who's crashin Atlanta this summer?  This guy!!  I'm super excited to be attending my first blog conference.  Haven here I come!

I really wanted to attend last year, but both my nerves and my finances got the best of me.  I felt like I was just a little too new of a blogger to be comfortable among everyone else.  I'm sure it would've been fine, but if I'm gonna hop on a plane and fly all the way across the nation, I wanted at least a handful of people to be semi familiar with who I was. 

I'm was even able to convince my good friend Katrina to go along too, so it should be good times. 
I'm actually from GA and its been many, many years since I've been back, so I'm looking forward to REAL sweet tea and humidity.  Hey, don't judge! My skin loves the moisture, and though I'm head over heels for my adoptive state of California, they just don't do sweet tea like home:)

Anyway....if you're planning on going Id get on that, like...yesterday.  The tickets are selling like popsicles in a heat wave!

Are you going? Id love to see you there.

Until next time....



  1. And I'm so glad that you are because I can't wait to meet you in person!

  2. Its going to be a fun adventure so glad we're going together! :)

  3. I'm going too! I'll be a first timer! Want to meet you in person of course!

  4. Glad a bunch of ladies I actually chat with are going! This should be a lot of fun and a great learning experience.

  5. You are going to have a blast! I'm so sad I can't meet all my blog friends in real life! Bummer.....

  6. Congratulations on making the decision to go. I'm sure you'll have a blast. Sac representing!!!!Yahoo.

  7. Glad to see you'll be going! I'll be there too! I went last year and had an amazing time. I'm already so excited to head back again.

  8. I'm going too, looking forward to meeting you!!

  9. I'll be there! Can't wait to meet you!

  10. I so want to go!! It is too far out yet for me to know what is going on during that time with my work, but if I find out I'm free and there are still tickets left, I AM IN! If I end up not getting tickets, we have to at least grab a drink one night during the conference. :)


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