Feb 20, 2014

The Not So Open Concept

Hi Everyone!

Please don't hate me for this...but ummm its gonna be in the 70s for the next 5 days guys! Spring is so close I can taste it.  I can't even begin to explain how excited I am about this.  Really, I should be ashamed of myself for even having the audacity to complain about the "cold" weather we've been having here when most of you have been knee deep in snow and elbow deep in the Polar Vortex. My bad, y'all  I'm sorry. But, in my defense, this has been an unusually uncomfortable winter for us here, too.  Anyway, I'm just glad that my happy season is on the horizon. 

So I've had some things on my mind.  As we've been preparing ourselves to enter the housing market again, we've given a lot of thought into what our "must-haves" are in our next home.  Unlike our current house, we will be in our next one for somewhat of the long haul.  I'd say to the tune of at least 11 years.  And while we are looking for diamond in the rough, there are still some features I will I'll be keeping an eye out for.  One of which being a kitchen that's separate from the living area. 

Yep, you heard that correctly. I want NOTHING to do with an open concept kitchen again.  I know some, if not most, of you are thinking "what the wha!?" But yes, in a world where most people specifically look for the open concept/open kitchen, I want the exact opposite.

As you know, our current kitchen is open to pretty much the entire house.

Its quite literally  situated right smack in the middle of it.  When we first moved in I liked the open nature of it, but over the years I've learned a lot about how we really live in our home.  While for a lot of people the kitchen may be the heart of their home, this isn't the case for us.  The heart of our home is our family room.

 Here's the deal: I hate the exposed feel of our kitchen. Its really hard to keep such a highly used space spotless, and that means our piles of dirty dishes (as seen here), messy countertops, and junk mail piles are always in constant view.  I hate that my sink faces into the living area.  And though this may be a tad petty, I hate that when someone is cooking, running water, or dispensing ice, the noise distracts the TV watchers in the family room. 

I think overall, what I've come to realize is that when it comes to a kitchen, Id rather leave a lot to the imagination. I want our next kitchen to be utilitarian first and foremost.  It needs to be a place where cooking and food prep is number one.  Of course I want it to be beautiful and pleasant to be in, but not too comfortable, if that makes any sense?  Even though I love to cook, I'm not trying to hang out in the kitchen all damn day. #aintnobodygottimeforthat.  I don't want my kitchen to be a gathering place, but rather a place to prep for our gatherings.  Its a super old school ideal, I know, but its right up my alley.

What do you think?  Do you think I've lost it?  Do you prefer and open kitchen, or are you ok with some separation? Until next time....



  1. I like both. The majority of the kitchens I've grown up with are fathering places no matter the size. My people love food so it happens. However, we spend the majority of our time in our family room too. Plus, I like that my kitchen isn't in view of our front door so random stop boys aren't viewing our dirty dishes. It's a toss up really of what I like the most but as my kiddos grow and we start our kitchen remodel, I'll finally have to decide on what I like the most. Good luck in house hunting!

  2. LOL, I literally had to search for a pile of dirty dishes. Where are they. I think your kitchen looks awesome in the photo ;) But whatever floats your boat. I'm sure you will make it look awesome either way ;)

  3. i have always had closed and we knocked the wall down last spring- i LOVE it!!! but to each their own and you gotta do what works for you!

  4. I am in the small majority too...I like the kitchen separate too. I am more traditional when it comes to home layouts though. I think most people love an open concept because it feels bigger than what it is. xo Kristin

  5. I totally feel the same way!! We are planning on moving in the next 2-4 years and I want nothing to do with open concept anywhere in our home! Our current kitchen is situated in a corner, but in opens right to the dining room which flows right into the living room, and then out to the patio. So, when we're grilling, we have to carry everything across the entire house. I want separate, defined rooms that have a more unique purpose and style. Our current home is one of those "first and last" homes, but it was definitely not designed for a family. I totally feel you on this one!

  6. i think both can work, it just really depends on the family! I'd prefer if my kitchen would be a little open. But i totally get your point of view. My parents' kitchen is separate from the living room, and i adore it. i think it really just depends on the lifestyle!

  7. Very interesting perspective and so different from what most people desire in a home nowadays! I think I'm the opposite, in that I feel I'll always want an open kitchen because I truly enjoy being in there cooking and prepping, and don't mind if gatherings end up being there instead of the family room. Also, I guess to me it's the best of both worlds that I can be "in my element" but still feel involved if the party is in the living area too, ya know? But I say go for it and hide those dishes to your heart's content! :)

  8. I like that you don't "live" in your kitchen! So many of us do nowadays and that's why all the push towards open concept. But if you can live with it out of sight, go for it!

  9. I have to agree! While I'm not a fan of a galley kitchen or the kitchen being completely closed off, I do like some separation from the rest of the living/dining spaces. For us the kitchen is for prep/work while the other rooms are for enjoying all that prep. Although having a breakfast nook space right off the kitchen for easy meals and crafts is great. We had a big ol open concept house awhile back and while it was nice to be able to enjoy our guests from the kitchen when we entertained, I felt like the noise and business of the cooking was almost a distraction to people just enjoying one another. It's all about how each family moves and lives in their space. Maybe if I liked cooking more... ;)

  10. I saw you in the BH&G February issue, and I connected with you on several levels. As far as your kitchen, don't doubt what you like! If you're looking at moving, find something for YOU that will work for your family! We move a lot (military) and by living many places and in different types of houses, we are able to figure out what we do and do not like in a home. You know what works best for your family, and who knows, in a few years an open concept could be out of style!

  11. I know exactly what you mean. That is why our kitchen has a high bar top so that when you are in the living room and dining room you can't see the mess :) I am all about that :)

  12. I think with the style home your and Naomi are looking for you'll find exactly what you want :) In our home I love that our kitchen feels open but not too open, like you see a glimpse of it at it looks nice ~ but dirty dishes are hidden when company is over, and Shavonda, your kitchen is always spotless and no dirty dishes are ever in sight! :) I hope you keep keep in an eye out for an eat in kitchen....now that are dining room is really shaping up I love that style for our home ~

  13. You're probably ahead of your time as the open concept could become less sought after. Here's an idea since you're so capable: Install a wall. If you find the right house otherwise, you may be able to add in a wall or two to enclose your kitchen. Since it wouldn't be load bearing it would simply be framing, dry wall, tape and float. Good luck on your house hunt.

  14. First I have to say that the hashtag cracked me up! I read so many decor/diy blogs that seem a little too uptight to be familiar with that particular video. My current kitchen is a little open, but I dream of a long, narrowish space with miles of counter on both sides! So I know exactly what you mean. Make dinner and close the door after. My style is mid century modern, though, so it's not too hard to find what I want. That era was rife with plain cabinets and long counters.

  15. I never really gave much thought to having an open kitchen. Our kitchen feels open because you can view what's going on in the living/dining room from the kitchen, but the rooms are separated by walls. I love your kitchen, but you know what works best for your family!

  16. My kitchen is separate and it works for me. It comes in handy especially when I am entertaining. The guest don't have to look at the mess and I don't either, until after the gathering is over! I hope you find exactly what you are looking for when you purchase your new home.

  17. For all the reasons you listed above, I too am a fan of having the kitchen separated. What I also appreciate about a closed kitchen is that food odors (as delicious as they may be) don't waft and linger throughout the house, and it maintains a more singular function of being a place of meal preparation. Here's to you finding all you're seeking in your next home!

  18. You're right, I do hate you a little for complaining about the cold. Not really :) I staunchly believe there's no one "right" for everyone. I think the most important thing is figuring out what works for you and makes you happy and that's half the battle. Now the other half is finding it of course...

  19. That's crazy! I love mine but it's more of the back end of a loop and I can't see my living room and for us, that's enough. But we dont have visitors :o

  20. I can't fault you your weather. Ours has been up and down. You know, when we redesigned our kitchen, it still isn't part of an open floor plan. I live in a log house, and while we enlarged the kitchen, it is still closed off some. Even so, it is still the heart of our home. Thanks so much for visiting my blog.~~Dee

  21. Shavonda ....I could not agree with you more about the kitchen. My kitchen in the house I just sold was tucked away and not the first thing you saw when you entered the house. If I didn't feel like immediately tackling the dishes I didn't have to. I am now temporarily staying in a friend's home till I find my next place and this temporary home is totally open concept. I hate it. The kitchen is right there in your face and the first thing you see when you open the door. My pet peeve is the sound of the dishwasher. I don't use it myself but my friend has asked me to run it once a week and you have to turn the TV up if you want to hear it while the dishwasher is running. My advice would to be to stick to your family's wants and find what works best for you and your lifestyle.

  22. After living in a house with an open concept for the last four years, I agree with you. We have two young kids and it gets quite noisy! The benefit is I can see what they're doing when i'm in the kitchen, but that does not out way the desire I have for enjoying some peace and quiet while I'm cooking, or like you said, quiet while watching tv. Our ice dispenser is so loud we need to mute our tv when someone is using it.

  23. I have always preferred a closed kitchen - mostly because I am not a pristine kitchen keeper. It is nice to keep some things a bit more secluded. I love spending time with my family but you better believe I close the door when I go to the bathroom. Same is true of the kitchen - I'd rather not have anyone watching me cook like I'm an animal in the zoo. :)

  24. I'm so with you! I'm just writing a blog post about the fact that I want a house with closed rooms - no more open-concept please! I need to be able to close the door so I don't have to hear my kids :)

  25. I was neutral on an open floor plan until I bought one. Now I can't wait to buy my "forever" home with completely separate spaces. Old-fashioned or not, this is what I want. I want a kitchen with a breakfast nook or eat-in kitchen for informal dining, and a formal dining room (with a swinging door to the kitchen) for formal parties. People are sitting at the table having a conversation, and I can't hear the television. Separate spaces are so important. I miss walls!


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