Feb 18, 2014

A Little O' This, A Little O' That

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed your extended weekend!  Ours is a bit more extended because the kids are out for "Presidents Week".  Umm yeah, you read that right.  The kids are out of school for an entire week.  And no, this is not considered spring break....that goes down in April.  Needless to say I'll be in keep kids busy mode this week. Thankfully its starting to warm up outside so we will probably be spending quite a bit of time outdoors.

In other news, "Operation Neutralize" is well under way.  The kitchen walls have gone greige.

The color is Mineral by Behr, and Naomi and I are NOT fans.  At All. But its not about us at this point.  Its about the majority of folks generally preferring bright, neutral walls, specifically in kitchens. We are not touching the navy walls in the family room though. I've gotta draw the line somewhere! 
Also I've got some more exciting news...I'm rollin' with the Homieeeezz!  A little Clueless action for ya! I'm really excited and surprised to find out I've been nominated for a Homies Award!
I mean really!  The list of nominees is major. A lot of them are part of my daily reads!  If you've voted for AHFOC, Thank you so much.  You can click here to vote for your favorite blogs, if you haven't already. Its a good thing we can vote for more than one, because the list is good, y'all.

Until next time....



  1. Have fun with your kiddos this week. Voted for ya on Sunday!

  2. Ahhh, greige :) Good call though, before listing. We're on the same vacation schedule, this week and another in April. heading south today, though - get me OUT of this snow!!

  3. Getting ready to list is hard because you do have to step back and think like a buyer. They want to picture themselves in your space. I think I will cry if I have to list our house and move one day...I like my stenciled wall too much, but I know it will have to go! I bet you are just dreaming of what your new home will be like! Another adventure :) xo Kristin

  4. I think it is such a smart move to neutralize before putting up for sale.

    Congratulations on being nominated! That is so exciting!!

  5. the kitchen still looks great, but i hear ya- it's not you at all.
    and growing up in new england we had feb and april vacation and i loved that as a kid! here we have just one spring break but i wish we had the two- breaks up the year nicely.

  6. How exciting! Do you feel any pressure to do last minute projects that you havent tackled yet? We have quite the list we feel is necessary before we move on although I'm leaving the herringbone hallway. Maybe not the best decision but I'm in denial lol.

  7. Voted for you, homie! :)

    While I am a little bummed for your guys about operation neutralize, just remember it is moving you closer to all your new home dreams!

  8. Congrats Shavonda! And even with the grey beige walls, your kitchen (especially your chairs) looks great.

  9. A week?! What the frick?! Hope yours sanity stays in tact, friend ;-) I'm a little late in saying this but wishing you all the best in the crazy weeks ahead with prepping the house, selling, moving, etc. It's a bittersweet time, I'm sure, but cheers to new adventures!

    (Heading over to vote for you!)


  10. A whole week?!?!?! That's nuts!! So exciting to be getting the house ready for market...but I'm sure a bit scary too. I am sending you good selling juju!

  11. It's crazy seeing such neutral walls in there, I miss the navy too!

  12. Wow! Truly a change but still beautiful! Congrats on your nomination!


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