Feb 10, 2014

The February Issue and New Adventures

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all had a great weekend.  Ours was cold, rainy, and windy.  No so fun.  But, I did take advantage of the opportunity to be lazy and hang out in my pjs most of the time. 

So remember when I announced that Better Homes & Gardens was coming to our house?  Well, they came...they shot... and they published! My kitchen and I are in the current issue of BHG guys!  Today I'm over at the BHG Style Spotters blog talking a little bit about the project and my experience having them here.  Thank you all so much for every IG message, email, comment, and tweet of support. I appreciate it more than you know.


On Friday I debuted my first Small Home, Big Style feature, and I couldn't be happier. I'm really glad so many of you enjoyed it.  Emily's home really is beautiful, and I cant wait to share more tours and stories ofjust how awesome small space living can be.

Speaking of...I mentioned at the end of the post that I had a big announcement to make. Well, we've decided to downsize.  When I first made you aware that we were considering it, it was something Naomi and I had been talking about fairly lightly for a couple months.  Once we started looking at it as an actual "thing" we began taking it a bit more seriously.  After writing down all the pros and cons of what downsizing entails, and discussing our long term goals we realized it could be a very positive thing for our family.

Not gonna lie though, its a little scary.  I mean, right now we are comfortable with our lives.  Downsizing requires quite a bit of sacrifice.  It will require us to start thinking a different way.  It will require us to start living a different way. It will require us to be willing to take a chance on the unknown.  It will mean a new neighborhood and a new house. I'm sure many of our friends think we are crazy, but for us, the financial freedom is well worth the change.  We are also really looking forward to embracing a simpler way of living.

With that being said, there's a lot to be done in the coming months.  It means we have to start prepping our house for the market, and start looking for a new one (at this point all we know is we want to be within 6-7 miles of the kids schools). And, unfortunately, it means a whooooole lotta painting. Y'all know I love color, but neutral sells houses.  I shed a tear over this one, but I've already tackled the hallway ceiling. Bye bye coral...you will be missed.

May as well start with the one thing I hate painting the most, right? #painintheneck  We aren't sure exactly when we are putting it up on the market, but its never to soon to get things in order.
Here's to new adventures. Until next time.....



  1. Oh wow, interesting news! I'm glad you are following your heart. I'm sure you won't regret it. Can't wait to follow along!

  2. i am so excited for you! i know this is what you want! :) way to go for it!

  3. congrats again on bh&g!! and so exciting for your new adventure! you're right, it's definitely not too early to start getting ready .. it takes longer than you think!!

  4. Oh No!!! You just got everything so perfect! But on the flip side...a new home to decorate:)

  5. Best wishes on your downsizing plans and hunt for your next home. Prepping a house for sale and neutralizing the decor can be a slippery slope ... shin bone connected to the knee bone kind of thing ... tweaking a small thing can require additional / larger changes that weren't anticipated. But I trust you got this! Personally, I know I'm going to repaint any place I move regardless of how it looks when I purchase it, I'd rather see a house that truly was a home to folks cause that says to me it has potential and gave folks pleasure, rather than a place that's been beige-out and lacking personality cause that makes me wonder why they never tried to create something special and if the "challenges" there would just be too large for me to overcome. I know my perspective isn't the buyer norm, but I guess I'm just saying' it really comes down to simply finding the right buyer for your home. Have fun!

  6. Wow !!!! Congrats again on your feature I can't wait to pick it up :) sad to see u leave such a fab home but I totally understand can't wait to see what u do with your new home :)

    Melissa of faith family fashion

  7. I am SO excited for you! We hope to sell by spring and use my travel nursing job to travel the country. Only to hopefully settle down [in something small and simple] in Costa Rica. I'm freaky excited and nervous. We have been spending a lot of time making the house more sell friendly and hope spring is the time for us. But man- we have a lot of crap! It looks like you're already moving along at a great speed though. Good luck!! And congrats on the magazine- I was very proud of you :)

  8. Shavonda! Congratulations on the BHG feature, I just got my issue the other day and recognized your kitchen right away! Such big changes for you in the future - how exciting! Good luck on all that painting ;)

  9. Cheers to y'all on your decision. It is one you won't regret. Promise. :)

  10. Congratulations on your BGH feature! How exciting. I'm looking forward to following you on your move to a new space! Too bad about having to paint over all your colourful walls... I know I'll be sad to paint over our charcoal accent walls when we move out of our apartment!

  11. Yay! I think you will love living in a smaller house. It's hard to downsize. We're still working on that, btw. But I think it's so worth it in the end. I've really found this blog to be such a source of inspiration for living with only the things that are necessary and loved. Check it out, if you haven't already: http://www.assortmentblog.com/

    Good luck with the search! And the preparation.

    P.S. Just picked up a copy of BHG at Target yesterday. Put a big ol' smile on my face to see you the back page!

  12. Such an exciting time in your lives...I bet you won't regret it for one second! I can't wait to follow along on your new adventure! :)

  13. I am so excited for you and your family...financial freedom is wonderful! I can't wait to see all of the changes that you are going to experience soon!! So exciting!!

  14. Lots of exciting things going on for you right now!! Wonder if you conspicuously leave the magazine open on your coffee table during showings you'll get an above asking offer??! ;)

  15. Really really loved seeing you over on the Style Spotter's Blog today, your kitchen is endlessly inspiring! Seriously, dreamy. And a huge congratulations on your quest to downsize; what an exciting time for you and your family!

  16. SO excited for you - Both on the feature and with this new move!

  17. Oh wow! I'm excited for your family. Think of all fun new spaces to decorate. Clicking over to see your Style Spotter's article!

  18. Shavonda! This is huge news! It's going to be an amazing adventure for you all, and I'm sure you will be so happy and have the most stylish small space this world has seen yet! p.s. Gorgeous new head shot!!

  19. Exciting news! Can't wait to follow along on the adventure!

  20. Congrats on the Magazine feature so excited for you & proud!! I know you'll be very happy with your decision to sell and find another house that needs love....those type of houses are the best and offer so much potential :) Off to check out the Style Spotters blog :)

  21. Aww this makes me sad but also SO happy for you!! Small space living is where it's at- the challenge to maximize a small footprint is fun and challenging and every bit worth it! Excited to see how it all unfolds for you and your fam :)

  22. I absolutely loved your magazine feature! Congrats, Shavonda! And best of luck on the house front. It's so exciting to be starting a new adventure!

  23. Congrats again on your BHG feature. That is just so exciting.
    I am excited about the down sizing. I have to admit, I have had some of the same thoughts here. Happy house hunting :) I love house hunting. I hope you will share the ones you are looking at.

  24. Ah! I almost shed a tear at that now-neutral ceiling. You'll be missed pretty coral! But what an exciting adventure for your family!

  25. I know I'm late to the party (blame this damn cold!) but congrats! On the feature (you and your kitchen look marvelous!) and on the big news! Boo to repainting and covering up all the pretty pops of color you added, but it WILL be worth it! I'm so excited to follow along as you get ready for the big move. And of course to see what your new house will look like. :) Love of love and luck to you!!

  26. I have been so out of the blogging loop in the past 6 months or so that I completely did not see this OR your feature in BH&G, which I SUBSCRIBE TO! After I read your blog I ran over to my magazine collection and sure enough, there you were. Congratulations on the feature!! What an amazing way to show off and remember your beautiful home. Downsizing and financial freedom will be totally worth it in the end, living small can definitely still mean living well! I'm excited to see what the road ahead will bring for you :)


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