Jan 31, 2014

Small Home, Big Style: The Series

Hi Everyone!

Happy Friday loves!  At the beginning of the month I professed my desire to downsize, and my love for small homes. I was really shocked at how many of you also share in that affinity.  While we still haven't made any definitive decisions yet, its still a conversation we have quite frequently. We've talked to the kids about it as well and had them weigh in and share their thoughts.  It's hard for a 6 and 11 year old to grasp the concept of living in a smaller house since all that really means to them is they may end up in smaller rooms!  If we do make the choice to go for it, it'll be one we make as a family.  I promise you guys'll know as well.

In the meantime, I've really started to tap more into my curiosity about small space living.  From clever organization, to space planning, to daily living, its all really intriguing. Lots of pinning has been going on, that's for sure. So much so, that after dropping Bry off at school earlier this week I decided to start a new series here on A Home Full Of Color

Small Home, Big Style. Still not completely sold on the name, though.  I'm toying around with the word play there so if you have any suggestions, Id love to hear them. 

Anyway, the series is dedicated to all of you folks out there living large in a small footprint.  I'll be featuring a new home every week and I'm really excited. I decided Id really like to showcase real folks and see how they embrace and overcome the challenges of small space living. I'm really pumped about it.

If you live in a small home (lets say 1300 sqft or less) and would like to be featured, shoot me an email at ahomefullofcolor {dot} com. You need not be a homeowner either!  If you're a renter, Id love to hear from you as well. 

Have a great weekend everyone.  Until next time....



  1. How about "living large in a small footprint" as the title ... taken right from your post today ;) I like the "small home, big style" title but since you are asking, the living large just jumped off the page at me.

  2. it will be fun to see what homes you feature! xo Kristin

  3. We are in the process of a major purge as we move to Germany in a few weeks. Although not 1300 or less, our home in Germany will be smaller and require much organization, planning and living much, much more efficiently. I've actually also had the desire to downsize at some point in my life and this life change is kind of sort of challenging that way of thinking. The front door is really the only door for the drop zone of junk - backpacks, coats, boots, etc. We are messy and it's nice having our current garage entry to drop and be messy. That will all change in our move. :) Should be interesting to see how we face the challenges in our new world. Look forward to seeing the homes in this new series as I'm sure I'll need some ideas!!

  4. Great idea! I have had to adapt from my mom's 3 story house down to a single level, one bath home! It's fun and cozy but has its challenges! If I can ever get around to updating my home tour, I might shoot you an email! ;)

  5. Love this idea! Can't wait to see how it all comes together.

  6. Great Idea, I've been kicking around the thought of sharing something similar on my blog since we live in a small home and wanted to showcase other homes too - looking forward to reading your new series.

  7. I love your title and I think it is a great idea. We went from 4,000 sq ft to right at 1,000 sq ft. and it has been a challenge - there are good things and bad things. I am actually hoping to be moving in the next two months - looking at the moment but the sq ft will probably stay around 1,000 - we shall see.
    Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

  8. I love our small home. It is 1300 square feet and has needed every inch remodeled. We opted for smaller house but more land. We love being outside so it just made sense.

  9. I love this feature!!! I'm excited to see what you share! :)

  10. Great idea! I'm hoping we'll downsize in the next few years, so I'll be anxious to read your new series!

  11. Three of us live in 488 sq ft - it has been a challenge, but I love to organize, so it's all good and now that we have lived in our new smaller home (condo) for well over a year, I have, for the most part, adjusted.

  12. We live in a 1048 sq ft home. Yup, all 5 of us! This is our starter home and we love it. It still needs a ton of updating but it is exactly what we need. Can't wait to read this series and see the homes featured!

  13. Wow, I sit here an think bout 488 sq ft.....I don't think I could do that. My childhood home was probably 1000 - 1200 sq ft. I don't ever really thinking that was small. My teenager years were spent in a 1400 sq ft space, in which a living room was never used and wasted space. Probably the smallest, that I have lived in was a little over 800 sq ft apartment above our barn. We had 20 x 40 area for an open area of den, dining, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath and our closets were in the knee wall area. We were quite comfortable. One child at the time. Then we custom built a 4700 sq ft home and then downsized to the Barnominium which is about 2300 sq ft. You can check it out at simplebutfabulous.blogspot.com We love it. If we had custom built it, it would have been laid out better and made better use of space. Last night, I was saying that I needed a bigger kitchen, but.....it has worked just fine for 10 years. And the older we get, the less debt I want and this home is paid for. For you younger folks, you need to save some money! A lot of people have big houses that are not HOMES.....

  14. I lived for 20 years in an 864 sq ft house on a 1/4 acre lot. I loved my little house and my only complaint was lack of storage, although that is not why I moved. It was time for a change and I now have an offer in on a 1030 sq ft condo with no yard to maintain. Had I stayed I had already thought of ways to add more storage and also how to start reducing the amount of "stuff" I had. Small homes are cozy, and easy to take care of but you need to be creative about introducing storage to the space.

  15. sounds like a great series! BTW, i just saw your feature in BHG! You and your kitchen look great!

  16. Great idea! Love the concept, can't wait to follow along!

  17. I am super excited about this series Shavonda! With me living in a 620 square foot space, this speaks directly to me. I'm doing my happy dance :-) .

  18. I'd totally volunteer our 1000 sq. ft. house if I can ever get myself together to start taking photos again! Now, what's this about your BHG feature? I am so dang behind. I don't even think I've read the last two issues! Wondering if they are even getting forwarded to me? Will you let me know which issue? I'll run out and get it.


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