Apr 19, 2013

City Chicks

Hi Everyone!

Happy Friday, my loves! Im soooo ready for the weekend.  Do you have any plans?  I'm looking forward to enjoying the beautiful 80 degree weather and getting some much needed outside time after being cooped up indoors while recuperating from surgery.

Today I wanted to let you guys get to know me a bit more.  Aside from interior design, I absolutely love being outdoors.  I grew up in the country, for the most part, so fishing, camping, 4-wheeling, and being covered in dirt is pretty much my kinda party. (And yes, I even bait my hook and gut and clean the fish myself.)

As Ive grown into adulthood Id have to say my fav outdoor activity would have to be working in the garden...with fishing and camping coming in at a super close second. Our home has a really really humble backyard.  It's possibly the only thing about our home that I don't like.  But, its honestly probably the best thing for us.  Because really between two full time jobs and two kids, ummm yard work? Pssssht-aint nobody got time for that!

This year I have a plan to maximize the space and make it super functional for us.  The plan entails one part visual interest, two parts edibles, and one part backyard chickens.  Yep, you heard it right, we are getting some city chicks, yall!

We, and by we I really mean I, put a lot of thought into it and I'm ready to take the plunge.  I am a firm believer in trying to be as sustainable as possible and adding chickens to the mix will help me attain just a smidge more sustainability to my family's daily life.  We will be using them primarily for laying eggs as well as using their waste in our compost to put back into the garden. Plus, from what I hear, they are a good source of bug and pest control so my veggies and plants should thrive with them around.  Its the glorious circle of life. 

Our city ordinance allows for three egg laying hens (no roosters) within the backyard, so we will be getting three.  The kids have already named them: Lulu, Lullaby, and Maddy.  Don't ask, because I have no idea!  Ive already got a place for them mapped out in our side yard which currently is the biggest waste of space and is over run by weeds. 

I can imagine it wont be pretty or easy to maintain them, but to me the benefits far exceed the cons.  I'm really excited to get them.  We will be looking for a breed that is known to be gentle, docile, quiet, good for smaller yards, and are pretty reliable egg layers.  Ill definitely be sharing that whole process with you guys.  I just wanted you to know what Ive got up my sleeve.

So tell me...do you think Ive completely lost my mind?  Do you own chickens?  Does your city allow for them?  Id love to hear from you. Until next time.... Have a great weekend.



  1. This is awesome! I'd love to have chicken, but I already have a cat outdoor run, did you see it? Our township doesn't allow farm animals :( because I'd already have a teacup pig if they would. You should check out this blog http://cheneybaglady.blogspot.com/2013/04/dash-has-new-sisters.html
    She is awesome and has a really cool chicken coop.

    1. Cool. Thanks so much for sharing her info! Fingers crossed your city allows you to have a little piggy soon:)

    2. Thanks for the compliment Julia and I know you are going to have a great time with your new chickens, Shavonda. The kids will have a blast!

  2. How exciting! I love the names your children chose for them, so cute! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks! Yeah, we are pretty good animal namers around here;)

  3. That is awesome!! How great for the fam :) The kids have to be excited!! xo Kristin

    1. I'm hoping it will teach the kids responsibility and how to care for and nurture a living being. Plus I'm hoping it gives them an appreciation for where our food comes from and helps teaches them to be conscious of what they eat...BUUUT knowing my kids they will be totally annoyed and uninterested in a week! A mom can dream, right!

  4. Hubby has been trying to get me to "allow" him to get a few chickens for a few years now. I've maintained my firm "NO"! Maybe after hearing how this goes for you...I may change my mind. Have a great weekend my friend!

    1. Lol!!! Well ill def have to bring you some eggs alongside the fennel. I'm thinking that may help him sway you a bit;) Tell your sweet hubby I've got his back!!

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  6. I grew up in the country too, we raised pigs & chickens! I love riding horses & helped my gf raise a calf a whole bunch of country life! I even had a rabbit, ahh how I miss Bullwinkle:) Having chickens when I was little and having to collect eggs and what not, It will be interesting to hear how you enjoy the process! :)

    1. Aah Katrina-yet another reason why I just love you. A country girl at heart:) I'm interested in seeing how it goes too. Hopefully we will have them by the end of may

  7. You are all going to have so much fun with them. I have only had them for two years and I love it! And I was born and raised....city.

  8. WOW! chickens! :-) you know, I secretly like them, don't know why? but I do! :-) The names your kids chose are so cute! :-) I can't wait to follow your "chicks" adventures and what you will do in your yard! (our yard is awful)


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