Mar 1, 2013

Decor Obsession: Neon

Hi Everyone!! 

Happy Friday, guys!  We've made it through another work week and the weekend is fast approaching.  I don't know about you, but its been one of those weeks...

Enough about that.  Today I'm featuring another decor obsession edition and paying homage to neon.

All my fellow 80's babies where you at!?  Yesss, I see you there!  Call me biased, but I think we grew up in the best. era. ever. Shit got crazy in the 80's.  I'm talking NKOTB , crimped hair, color blockin, Madonna, stirrup pants, shoulder pads, leg warmers, leather and lace, boom box on the shoulder, MTV, break dancin, rock bands, teased bangs, neon everywhere kinda crazy.  Aaaah the good old days. 

There's so much about the 80's that I love and so much about it that I hope to see never return.  I am, however, completely loving the incorporation of neon in today's interiors.  When done right, its a feast for the eyes.  This is a trend that popped up full throttle and many folks think it'll be gone just as quickly as it returned.  While this may be true, I'm ok with the fact that I could quite possibly be the only person left in the world who has splashes of neon plastered throughout their home.

Now don't get me wrong, I have no intention of having it be the basis of my design decisions, but I do think its comeback is a welcome sight.  Here are just a few of my favorite spaces, bits of decor, and fashion which have embraced the trend with major grace and style:

Yes, my friends, I do believe you'll soon see some neon action pop up around my colorful home.  Long live the 80's!
So would you dare?  Are you feeling it? Or are you so completly over it?  Until next time.....
with the neon blazer for the win!!!



  1. You had me cracking up!! lol, I love the 80's too so much fun and silly fashion and music :) I think neon is fun, I prefer to wear it rather than have it in my home :) lol

    And lets hope crimped hair doesn't get big again! My 1st day of 3rd grade I had the worst hair thanks to a hair crimper, lol :)

  2. I love the neon too but more as pops of color here and there with white walls. I wouldn't paint my wall neon ;)


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