Yall, we need a new dining table. Like 365 days ago.
In the usual Shavonda/Naomi fashion we are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to what we prefer. I want a light/white table, and Naomi would prefer something dark.
I promise one of these days we will actually agree on something from the get go. But for now, we don't.
I don't prefer a dark wood table because we have darker walls and we will be installing dark wood floors soon. I just feel like it will be a bit too visually heavy. On the other hand, don't necessarily want something light wood, just something.... light. {I know it sounds like I have no idea what I want but it makes total sense in my head, so just go with me on this one} I'm leaning more toward white. Naomi is leaning toward the opposite of anything I'm leaning toward. Such is life.
Here's the current state of our dining "room": (Disclaimer: The following images were taken at night on my iphone thus without the benefit of natural light and have not been edited, so don't talk about me too badly, mkay. This is pretty much what the room looks like as of 30 minutes ago)
Either way it goes this will definitely be a DIY project either with paint or stain because dining room tables the size we need (to seat 8-10) are REDONKULOUSLY expensive. So, Ive been trolling Craigslist, thrift stores and garage sales in search for the perfect canvas. Hopefully I'll find one soon.
In the meantime, here are some images Ive found that make a pretty good argument for both light and dark preferences.
Our walls are a similar shade of navy and our floors will be a similar wood tone.
Not a white table, but it is in the light family and I love the eclectic mix of chairs surrounding it
So tell me, which way do you think we should go? Are you Team Dark or Team Light? Until next time....
Hmmmm....the photog you used to show what your navy walls look like with a dark floor; seems to me the walls + floor are already overwhelmingly dark; but I see how they offset that in the example with a huge white rug, white curtains, white chairs etc...a too-light table would disappear against a light rug. A dark table would add to the gravity already there...so you're right; moderate "light" would be the way to go. I LOVE the beachy, gray table, and the simple design would be an easier DIY...good luck!