Apr 11, 2013

Design Obsession: Living Amongst the Trees

Hi Everyone!

Random Shavonda fact:  When I was younger, I wanted nothing more than to have a tree house.  Something about them seemed so comforting to me.  I never actually go one, but a girl could dream, right?

Today my minor obsession with tree houses has manifested into more of an image of a houses with trees within them.  I think they are fantastic.  Ive been on the hunt for a fiddle leaf fig for eons, but they are just so damned expensive.  Like ridiculously so.  I also have an affinity for indoor fruit bearing trees and indoor palms.  Take a gander at these inspiring spaces that feature the best of natures bounty. 

So tell me, do you think trees have a place inside the walls or do you they they are better off outside?  Until next time....


  1. They totally have a place inside. I just would love it if my cats would stop trying to eat them all the time.

  2. I love trees inside, I just seem to kill things if they aren't planted outside :(

    1. You know what, I tend to have that same issue. I think it has something to so with the fact that outside nature lends a huge helping hand. I'm learning to keep things alive inside, though.

  3. I love indoor trees! OK I keeping hearing rumors around 'blog-land' Ikea is selling fiddle fig leaf trees! I really want one too, I also want a money tree! hello :)

    1. I've heard those same rumors. I say we take a little trip and see. I know they have money trees:)

  4. I love it! we have one in our basement right now! it's beautiful but we will bring it back outside in May once the weather will allow for it! It has beautiful pink flowers! :-) Loved your inspiring pictures too! love the last one very much! Ingrid

    1. Hi Ingrid. I'm super jealous right now. I'd love to see it.

  5. hi dear! I just found your blog and i love it! also ive always always wanted a tree house as well..always! ...anyway would you be interested in following each other via gfc and bloglovin? I always return the follow..let me know please

  6. Hi Sasha. Thank you so much. Sure I'd love to follow you on bloglovin. I just checked out your blog and I love you're sense of style. So beautiful.

  7. thank you dear..i am now following you as well via gfc and bloglovin :)


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