Feb 10, 2013

New Look

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all are having a great weekend!

As you can see, the blog went to the beauty shoppe this weekend!  I think it came out looking fabulous daaaaahhhhling!  If you are looking to revamp your blog you should definitely check out Kate Johnson of 17th Avenue Design Studios.  She offers everything from simple updates to full on custom design services.  I chose one of her pre-made templates and opted to add a few simple customizations.  She was great to work with and was really really patient.  Head over to her Etsy shop and check out all the design goodness. 

Anywhooo...I'm off to enjoy my Sunday.  Have an awesome day and I'll see you guys next week!


**Disclaimer: I purchased my blog design with my own money and was not compensated to mention Kate or 17th Avenue Design Studio.  I truly had a good experience and think when you find something you love, you pass it along and share it with others.**


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