Dec 4, 2012

DIY Succulent Terrariums

Hi Everyone!

Have you ever had one of those projects that quietly mocked you as you steadily procrastinated to get it done?  Yeah, I thought so.  For me, its been some terrariums Ive been meaning to put together for weeks now.  I ran out and purchased all the materials for it, but never actually got around to doing it.

I have a slight confession.  I have a BLACK thumb! I'm talking "nothing I ever attempt to grow ever actually survives" type of black thumb.  This is why we had yet to have any living greenery in our home.  Coincidentally enough, my veggie garden thrives every year.  But theres something about keeping a plant in a pot indoors that just doesn't work for me. 

I figured I may be able to work with succulents because they are fairly hearty and don't require that strict of a watering schedule.  I trolled Pinterest and found this really awesome tutorial.  I followed her directions and finally got er done!  I still have to add the rocks, but I'm happy to check this project off the list!

Have you checked any lingering projects off your list lately?  Until next time........



  1. I love the look. I have such a hard time caring for succulents. I learned the key is sunlight and very little water. Wishing you luck with yours.

  2. Yes, terrariums are great for the person that rarely remembers to water. Me! I don't remember the last time I watered mine...I think it's been months. But still looks good. As does yours, my friend!


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