Nov 29, 2012

Design Obsession-The Pallette Wall

Hi Everyone!!

Lately Ive been completely obsessed with finding a way to upcycle pallet wood.  I actually have access to a ton of it so Ive been thinking of ways I can use the free bootie in our home.  Ive seen so many creative ways to use it, from compost bins, furniture, artwork and even flooring. 

My absolute favorite application Ive seen it used as thus far has got to be on the wall. 

The best part about it is that even Naomi likes it!!!  Let's get a round of applause for something we both agree on!  Anywhoo...I wonder how much shes gonna like it when shes helping me break them down, clean them up, stain them, and hang them, cuz this is happenin my friends.  Its definitely happenin.
So what do you think of pallet walls?  Are feeling them, or not?  Until next time.....



  1. I love this look as well. We recently did something similar in my son's room. Can't wait to see what you decide on.

    1. Hi there. Yes, I remember the sneak peak you gave us right after his birthday. Did I miss the reveal on that? I hope not. i may have to pick your brain on what is the best wayt to go about the install.

    2. No you didn't miss the reveal. I'm just a slacker and haven't blogged about it yet. LOL! The wall wasn't bad, deciding on a comforter and curtains was the hard part.


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