Sep 8, 2012

Umm Yeah.....About That!

Hi Everyone!!

So this weekend I got my first lesson in the world of DIY home improvement: liquid nails + walls = NOT A GOOD IDEA!!


I always did want to learn how to replace drywall.  Until next time....



  1. I can't even tell you all the DIY projects I do that go awry. I almost fail more than I succeed! Live and learn I guess!

    1. Hi there! It's so good to hear from you! Yeah, DIY is def a live and learn process for sure. It crazy how blogs and shows make it look so easy..... It's good though, bc once you figure something out, you'll never not know how to do it again...... The tricky part about this fix will be blending in the orange peel texture with the rest of the walls once I replace the drywall.


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