Hi everyone!
So tell me.....have you ever had one of those days?
You know the ones where despite waking up an hour and half early you somehow still end up leaving the house 10 minutes late.
And about 5 minutes into your trip you realize that thing you really needed is at home on the kitchen island, but since you're already running late there's no way you can turn back for it.
And when you make it to drop off your first kid at school you realize that you made it in record time since all the lights on the way there were miraculously green so you didn't have to stop and that 10 minute lag now diminishes to only 4 minutes! Yesssss! Happy Dance...
And while you're en route to drop off your second child (who happens to go to school on the other side of town by-the-way) you end up getting caught by every. single. red. light. Guess these lights didn't get the memo from the other lights that today is "Give-Shavonda-Freakin-Break-Day".
So once you make it to school # 2 you realize that his backpack is hanging out in the kitchen alongside that thing you really needed. Guess they'll be besties for the day.
And when you finally head to your final destination, aka-work, you realize that between the stop lights that didn't get the memo and the missing backpack you lost the 6 minutes you gained. Total waist of a happy dance.
But alas, you just remember there's a "secret" side road that lets you bypass freeway traffic and cuts 10 minutes off your commute. Things are lookin up.
So you make it to the "secret" road to find a huge "ROAD CLOSED" sign in the middle of the entrance. And to top it off a huge waste management truck also attempted to use the "secret" road so now he's doing a 6-point turn in the middle of the street because he can't quite flip a b$&/! and guess who's stuck behind him. This girl.
So u make it back onto the freeway. Again. And miraculously there's no traffic. Guess the traffic genie also showed up for the "Give-Shavonda-A-Freakin-Break-Day" memo.
And you actually make to work on time. With 4 minutes to spare. Don't question it..just roll with it.
But then its a major case of the Mondays at work and somehow everything that could go wrong, does go wrong.
And you're counting down the hours to five oclock.
No? Its just me. Ok, well that's cool.
Then I guess you also haven't had one of those days where this is the one day in your life that you have to be out of the office at 5:00 because your second child has to be picked up by 5:30, but just as your walking out the door 2 people "need" you right away. So you don't actually end up getting out of the office til 5:23.
And you realize your definitely not gonna make that 5:30 deadline.
But then you make it home and take out all the frustrations of your day on the beast of a wall that your fixing with a sander due to your lack of decisiveness which led to you jack it up in the first place.
Hmmm still just me, huh? No worries. I guess this glass of wine will help me reflect on my crappy day so I can find my happy place and look forward to a better tomorrow.
I hope you all had a much better today than I did. Until next time.....
I can so relate Shavonda! Had somewhat of a day like that myself yesterday, minus dropping off kids, but unexpected Monday morning gliches to boot! Great Post! Today is Tuesday!
Good Morning! So good to know im not the only one! Here's to Tuesday!!!